Sunday, 31 July 2011

Bexhill Runners' Seafront Series 5K

Bexhill Runners' Seafront Series 5K, 27th July 2011, 7pm
Review by Stephanie Burton

Having thoroughly enjoyed my first ever race, a 5K fun run organised by Bexhill Runners to celebrate the Royal Wedding in April, I excitedly anticipated returning to the town to relive my first triumph.

Despite there being no other runners getting off my (delayed) train that I could follow, the Start was very easy to find with its bright red gantry straddling the promenade, banners and marquees, and a Pied Piper on a PA system calling in the athletic and the enthusiastic. Three efficient marshalls behind clearly labelled tables in the marquees swiftly found my name on the pre-booked list, and issued my number, time-chip and safety pins. I was pleased to see that I had a lower race number this time - a good omen which nearly helped to settle my nerves! This race would be a more serious affair - club vests rather than wedding veils - but I was confident of finishing well-for-me.

Cheering on the three children’s' races before the 5K lifted the atmosphere and I was surprised to see over 80 children taking part. Then the 240-odd adults gathered for the 5K Start. Watches & gadgets were checked & beeped, Boyfriend disappeared to find himself a good vantage point and, following a very quick '3 2 1 Go', we were off! 

The two-lap course along Bexhill promenade was as flat as the mill-pond sea and, with the evening sun just dipping behind the rooftops, perfect for fast running. Conscious of not setting off like a whippet this time, I started near the back of the field and so had a wonderful view of the other runners streaming away along the seafront. Perhaps a good photo opportunity if taken from the height of the gantry! Having spotted & waved to Boyfriend, I found my pace & noticed my nerves had vanished.

Towards the end of my first lap, I was suddenly aware of a much faster runner passing us and witnessed the winner dashing over the Finish line just a few moments before I reached the same point and turned to start again. I am not sure whether the leading runners appreciated having slower runners in front of them as they finished, but I found it inspiring to see their achievements. Boyfriend also commented that he found the event more interesting as there was practically always someone to watch & cheer. The energy from supporters was invaluable and I would particularly like to thank all the marshalls around the course for being wonderful in this respect. Every marshall encouraged every runner, returning smiles/grimaces and willing us on. I certainly ran as much on their words as my own legs.

And then there it was. The red gantry, the Pied Piper, the banners and the clock - The Finish!

Swept between barricades by yet more marshalls, my time-chip was off, medal on and drink & cake offered in seconds. I'm still kicking myself for declining the cake because it looked delicious. Boyfriend beamed his way through the crowd for a sweaty hug and me-with-gorgeous-medal photo. 

My final chip time was slightly disappointingly 12 seconds slower than my first race. Even though I'm probably twice the age of the winners, I'm sure I can do better than twice their time. Perhaps I'll just pop onto RunningDiary and see what else might be coming up in the Autumn ...

Review by Stephanie Burton (Twitter follower and U&R friend).
Pics by Dave Greene

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