Tuesday 26 July 2011

A runners thoughts - Flies

Running at this time of year brings to all runners an amazing array of wonderful things.  Sun, warmth, long evenings (and mornings) as well as opportunity to get out in nature.  It also brings for me one thing that I can't stand.


Running out in the sun, through fantastic countryside and colourful overgrowth is, for me, only marred by that constant curse of flies.  Flies in the eyes, flies up the nose and flies down the throat.  All buzzing and swooping round my sweaty head and hair receding hairline.  Why now and Why me?

I can't explain the reason biologically why I must be seen as attractive (some may have explanations), and I can't explain it chemically (I am sure there is a reason),  but I can define it in 3 words.  Its blooming annoying.  And I can't be the only one afflicted by it.

I have over the years found ways of curbing the effects of these cursed Diptera attacks.  Firstly a good set of sunglasses can help.  They can be used to deflect the swooping attackers as they dive for your eyes.  I've over the years got used to wearing them and they also have other effects as well in terms of focus and performance (more on that some other time).

A peaked running cap also helps as it means that there is less angle of attack.  They can't dive from top, left or right as easily as they can without a hat being worn.  The other thing is that it also stops them sticking to your sweaty brow.

The swallowing of the little blighters is less easy to solve.  Unless you want to look like someone visiting a polluted city by wearing a mask, the only way to sort this is by grinning and bearing it.  Literally.  The problem though is that your teeth can end up looking like a cars grill!!

Finally, and a little tip that really does work, is the 'running through low hanging foliage' trick.  I have noticed that if you are being pursued and you dodge and weave through low hanging leaves or bushes then they get shaken off.  They are probably confused for a moment and start to pursue other quarry.  Yes its a tree, but at least its not me.

So there you go, the curse of flies on summer run's.  You may suffer from the same problem or you may know of someone else who has, if you do and have any tips then please share.  I'm all for a fly free running experience especially when the weather is a wonderful as it has been of late.


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